30x30 – how to finance successful effective area-based conservation at scale?

16:00 - 17:15

Session Description

Countries worldwide are planning and enabling their contributions to the global 30x30 ambition and GBF Target 3. But how can these commitments be adequately resourced? What is the role of investment and financing, and how can the private sector bring innovation and capital to the challenge of achieving fair and effective nature conservation? This session will offer the insights of global leaders, and direct the discussion towards key principles and examples of how scaled-up financing can be secured.

Session agenda


Head, Protected and Conserved Areas Team


Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety & Consumer Protection

Co-Founder & Co-CEO
NewAtlantis Labs

Deputy Director
High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People

Director General, Climate & Environment Bureau
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province

Executive Director
Sotz'il Association


C - Session Room 1
Session format:
Onsite only