Why attend?

The IUCN Leaders Forum 2023 is your opportunity to connect with government, corporate, Indigenous and youth leaders and changemakers to renew conservation commitments, establish partnerships and agree on concrete actions for implementation of the global goals.

Join us in Geneva or virtually this October to: 

Exchange with fellow leaders

Come together in a neutral space to share, debate and ignite innovative collective, multi-stakeholder solutions to critical conservation and biodiversity challenges.

Learn from global experts

Hear world-class thought leaders share the latest emerging nature conservation and biodiversity trends and address the pressing issues that are hindering progress towards the global goals for nature.

Build powerful connections

Spark new relationships, partnerships and alliances that will prove beneficial to you and your organisation long beyond the close of the Forum.

Collaborate with young changemakers

Be inspired by the next generation of conservation leaders by actively engaging in their project pitches. Find out more about our young changemakers programme.

IUCN LF 2022
“A forum like the IUCN Leaders Forum is extremely useful because it brings all stakeholders together around the table to discuss at the same time, the right issues particularly with regard to financing nature-based solutions which become essential in fighting not only nature challenges, but also climate challenges.” Patrick Odier, Senior Managing Partner, Lombard Odier Group
LF 2022
“The IUCN Leaders Forum is really a testament to the need for collective action. IUCN through its vast and diverse membership – was able to bring actors from government, civil society, indigenous populations, members from youth, private sector – all convening equally around a common table and a collective goal to bring nature as a priority in the global agenda.” Razan Al Mubarak, President, IUCN
IUCN LF 2022
“The IUCN Leaders Forum provided a unique platform for discussing, developing and implementing innovative ideas for a nature-positive future.” Vriko Yu, Co-founder and CEO, Archireef and IUCN Leaders Forum 2022 Changemaker