Indigenous peoples, Local Communities, and Finance: an inclusive dialogue

11:15 - 12:45

Session Description

This session will bring IPLCs in conversation with business and finance actors to discuss inclusive finance for the global goals. The session will focus on the urgent need for direct access to resources for the implementation of the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Fund. The newly established Podong Indigenous Peoples’ Initiative, a collaboration between IUCN, IUCN IPO members and the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB), will also be presented.

English/Spanish/French interpretation provided.

Session agenda


Director General


Executive Director
Indigenous Information Network (IIN)

IIFB member, Latin America and the Caribbean

Global Head of Energy Transition and Environment
BNP Paribas

Founder & CEO
EQX Biome

Senior Policy Advisor on Climate Finance
National Treasury

Advisor, Gender and Community Cohesion
GRAUS Indigenous Organization (Gram Unnayon Sangathon)


Plenary C
Session format:
Onsite & livestreamed