Ismaela Magliotto Quevedo

Ismaela Magliotto Quevedo

Head Coordinator



Ismaela Magliotto Quevedo is an Environmental Engineer with specialization in climate change and corporate sustainability. She is the Head Coordinator at Climatech Chile, the first guild of enterprises in Chile and LATAM to gather technology based companies focused on Climate Change, where she leads efforts in technological solutions to combat climate change. Additionally, she holds the position of Coordinator of the Water Security Pact Chile, where she spearheads initiatives aimed at improving water management in the private sector.
Also she is a Delegate of Chile in technology negotiations for the Conference of Parties in Climate Change, representing her country on the international stage and contributing to the pursuit of a more sustainable future.

Speaking at

October 11 2023 (17:15 h - 18:45 h)

Plenary B