Let’s talk business: Accelerating action for GBF implementation

14:30 - 15:30
Leaders Dialogue 2

Session Description

This high-level session will consider the risks and opportunities associated with halting and reversing nature loss for different sectors of the economy. Business, finance and government leaders will identify areas in which transformation in business leadership across sectors, as well as transformation in different enabling environments is critically needed to accelerate action towards GBF implementation. Different stakeholder groups will also highlight bottlenecks and identify priority solutions that can support deployment at scale, and contribute to the GBF goals.

Session agenda


Executive Vice President
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)


President, Swiss Sustainable Finance, and Chairman
Building Bridges

Swiss agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Vice President Global Head of Public Affairs and ESG Engagement

Managing Director
Centre for Nature and Climate, World Economic Forum


CCIG - Plenary A
Session format:
Onsite & livestreamed