Nespresso joins the IUCN Leaders Forum 2024 as Official Supporter


Nespresso is excited to join the IUCN Leaders Forum as an Official Supporter, as the Forum offers a valuable opportunity to engage with global leaders in advancing sustainability and biodiversity initiatives. By scaling and implementing regenerative agricultural practices in coffee sourcing regions, Nespresso recognizes that collaboration and the sharing of experiences are crucial for driving systematic change.

It is our belief that high-quality coffee can only be produced in healthy ecosystems with thriving communities. We also know that adopting regenerative agricultural practices has huge potential to help create healthy ecosystems, as it helps to address some of the key challenges facing the industry – climate change and biodiversity loss are key, as is farmer resilience.

We see the acceleration of the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices as a continuation of the sustainable agriculture approach that we’ve been promoting since we created our Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program in 2003. We want to build on this program to encourage profitable, sustainable coffee growing that respectfully uses the best of what nature provides – and to inspire widespread change across the global food system.

We look forward to supporting the discussions and opportunity for exchanges on these topics that the Forum creates.