Libby Sandbrook

Libby Sandbrook

Director of Business & Nature

Fauna & Flora


Libby Sandbrook is Director of Business & Nature at Fauna & Flora, the world’s oldest international conservation charity, working with partners in 46 countries. Libby leads Fauna & Flora’s work with the energy, mining and other sectors to transform business practices and achieve nature positive outcomes through their operations, supply chain and at a wider landscape level. She is also part of an IUCN convened working group developing nature guidance and tools for the renewable energy sector.

Libby has over 25 years of experience of working within the private and NGO sectors on business and sustainability. She joined Fauna & Flora from King Charles’s Responsible Business Network where, as England Director, she worked with senior business leaders to find solutions to shared environmental challenges.

Speaking at

October 08 2024 (16:00 - 17:15)